Hourly Rate as of August 2022 is S$180
* minimum booking is 2hrs so is S$360 please take note !!!
50% deposit is required and can be done via PayNow or Paylah using my mobile number +6597427201
Contact Me to book your slot.
What included :
- Boat with Driver/Instructor
- Wakeboard / Wakesurf Gear
- Drinking Water
What to bring :
- A change of clothing
- A big smile 🙂
Wakeboard / Wakesurf Camp
Whether you are by yourself or in a group, and plan to ride with me over several days, please contact me and let me know your itinerary as well as how often you plan to ride and I will work out a customized programme for you!
Mode of Payment
- Cash / Paylah (mobile 97427201) / Paynow (mobile 97427201)